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Our feeding lines

We mainly realize to type of feeding lines:
Traditional lines, made up of 3 machines (decoiler, straightener & feeder) used together with high speed presses 100 -300 strokes/min. or to work delicate materials (stainless steel, pre-painted strip, and so on);
Compact lines made up of decoiler & electronic straightener-feeder-units for thicknesses up to 14 mm and widths from 200 up to 2000 mm, complete with system for automatic strip insertion; the compact plants solve the problem to feed presses when the spaces in workshop are really reduced.
Electronic straightener-feeder-units, thanks to the open upper head which allows the cleaning of the rolls, make the material introduction easier and allows the material release for the pilot centring, represent the ideal solution working with big thicknesses.

We also realize the electronic straightener-feeder-units with electronic pilot release that allows releasing material throughout a system of numerical control. This machine allows:

  • to reduce the time of head opening & closing:
  • to reduce the impact speed of the rolls on the strip;
  • to spare energy;
  • o reduce the use of lubricating oils;

Traditional plants are provided with an hydraulic unit; with this new machine it is possible to spare more than 80% of energy.
If we make a comparison between the energetic consumptions concerning a plant that works a strip of 400 mm width and
By supposing an hydraulic installed power of 4 Kw, the daily consumption of 8 working hours it is of 32 Kwh; instead in case of the new machine with electronic pilot release the consumption is only of more or less 4 Kwh, always referred to 8 working hours
This type of machine allows to reduce:



Do you need more information?
Contact us now!

Email: info@asservimentipresse.it - Phone: (+39)0371482096 - Fax: (+39)0371482775
Via Strada Longa 809, n. 10 26815 MASSALENGO (LO) ITALIA

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