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Plants for servopress

Special feeding line to feed electrical press (servo press) (servo pressa) that can workthicknesses from 0,5 mm up to 12 mm and different type of material such as iron, stainless steel and aluminum.  
This kind of plant as great versatility and it is completely automatic. Decoiler 20 ton. width: 1500 mm. Thicknesses: from 0,5 up to 12 mm. Materials: aluminum, stainless steel.
Straightener with automatic system for rolls change, for different strip thicknesses, automatic cleaning system of the rolls. 2 feeders with automatic change for differen tmaterial types.

Special plant for servo press

Special plant for servo press

Min width: 500 mm – Max width: 1500 mm
min. Thickness: 0,5 mm – max thickness : 12 mm
Special line

Special line

Min. width: 500 mm – max width: 1850 mm
min thickness: 1 mm – max thickness: 12 mm
1850 x 4 mm Re 400 N/mm2 – 1850 x 2 mm Re 600 N/mm2 700 x 8 mm Re 600 N/mm2 – 278 x 12 mm Re 600 N/mm2
Compact feeding line for Servopressa

Compact feeding line for Servopressa

Strip width: 1500 mm Strip Thickness: 4 mm


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Email: info@asservimentipresse.it - Phone: (+39)0371482096 - Fax: (+39)0371482775
Via Strada Longa 809, n. 10 26815 MASSALENGO (LO) ITALIA

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