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Privacy Policy

According to art.13 of the Italian law D.Lgs 196/2003 the insert data will be used only to fulfil your request and to send you news and updating.

The data treatment is made throughout instruments and procedures able to guarantee security and privacy and it is carried out from the owner and from the person in charge for data treatment.

Your data will be neither spread nor communicated.

Your rights are shown in art. 7 of the Italian law D. Lgs. 196/2003.

The Person in charge for data treatment is Asservimentipresse Srl.

The responsible is Mr Matteo Foppa Vicenzini.


Do you need more information?
Contact us now!

Email: info@asservimentipresse.it - Phone: (+39)0371482096 - Fax: (+39)0371482775
Via Strada Longa 809, n. 10 26815 MASSALENGO (LO) ITALIA

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